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Arizona Near Space Research

Promoting science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education 
through Amateur Radio and High-Altitude Ballooning
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ANSR-150/151 :  ASCEND-51/52 : Spring 2024 : 11 May 2024 

Note: The launch site has been moved to the I-8 Freeman Road Exit (Exit 140) and the fill increased to 140%. NOTAM for these flights is GBN 05/069.

Good Morning,

The Saturday prediction for the ANSR-150 balloon flight with a 140% fill of hydrogen is for a flight of 93 km (58 miles) on a bearing of 079º, landing at 32° 59.741'N, 111° 20.421'W, or 5.6 km (3.5 miles) SE of Florence, Arizona. Burst should occur after 63 minutes with a total flight time of 96 minutes. The assumptions for this prediction are a 3000 gram Kaymont balloon, payload mass of 8.20 kg (17.04 lbs), neck lift of 11.5 kg (25.3 lbs), an ascent rate of 7.64 m/sec (1504 fpm), a burst altitude of 29,595 meters (97,100 feet), descent rate at landing of 6.60 m/sec (1270 fpm) and using the Sondehub Predictor. Google Earth KML, JPG files and a screenshot of the predictor are attached.

The launch of ANSR-150 is scheduled for today, Saturday, May 11,2024 at 9:00 AM MST (1600 UT), from a launch site near the Freeman Road exit of I-8 (Exit 140) southwest of Maricopa (32° 50.818’N, 112° 19.190’W). The actual launch site will be determined as we get closer to launch day.

The Saturday prediction for the ANSR-151 balloon flight with a 140% fill of hydrogen is for a flight of 92 km (57 miles) on a bearing of 079º, landing at 32° 59.704'N, 111° 21.146'W, or 1.1 km (0.7 mi) west of ANSR-150. Burst should occur after 62 minutes with a total flight time of 95 minutes. The assumptions for this prediction are a 3000 gram Kaymont balloon, payload mass of 8.4 kg (18.4 lbs), neck lift of 11.7 kg (23.3 lbs), an ascent rate of 7.67 m/sec (1509 fpm), a burst altitude of 29473 meters (96,700 feet), descent rate at landing of 6.66 m/sec (1310 fpm) and using the Sondehub Predictor. Google Earth KML, JPG files and a screenshot of the predictor are attached.

The launch of ANSR-151 is scheduled for today, Saturday, May 11,2024 at 9:30 AM MST (1630 UT), from a launch site near the Freeman Road exit of I-8 (Exit 140) southwest of Maricopa (32° 50.818’N, 112° 19.190’W). The actual launch site will be determined as we get closer to launch day.

The Weather Underground forecast for Maricopa, AZ for today, Saturday, May 11, 2024, is for: Mainly sunny. High 92F. Winds W at 10 to 15 mph. Weather at launch time is forecast to be Sunny and 78F. Winds WNW at 4 mph.

Best Regards,

Bob Thompson, KC8BOB

NOTAM: GBN 05/069 & GBN 05/073

ANSR-150/151 ASCEND-51/52 Spring 2024 Payload Manifest
Balloon 1:ANSR-150 ASCEND-51 lbs. kg.
Parachute, Cord, Clips 3.000 1.364
GCC-1-Sparbernauts (Requested Top) 1.518 0.690
KA7NSR-6 144.34 0.604 0.275
GCC-2-Icarus 1.2628 0.574
CAC-1 (black) 1.012 0.460
CAC-2 (green) 1.6236 0.738
ERAU 2.134 0.970
Crossband Repeater 145.56 up PL 162.2 - 445.525 down 1.000 0.455
KA7NSR-7 445.925 0.873 0.397
ADS-B Transponder ANSRBL1 1.993 0.906
ASU Strato Devils 3.023 1.374
Total Wgt 18.043 8.202
Overfill Factor 1.200 1.200
Neck Lift Fill Total 21.652 9.842

Balloon 2: ANSR-151 ASCEND-52 lbs. kg.
Parachute, Cord, Clips 3.000 1.364
KA7NSR-8 144.34 0.500 0.227
AZ Western 1.9008 0.864
UA 1.5708 0.714
CGUHS 2.9304 1.332
KA7NSR-9 445.925 0.800 0.364
PIMA 2.904 1.320
ADS-B Transponder ANSRBL2 1.971 0.896
Phoenix College ** Bottom ** 2.838 1.290
Total Wgt 18.415 8.370
Overfill Factor 1.200 1.200
Neck Lift Fill Total 22.098 10.045

ANSR-150/151 ASCEND-51/52 Fall 2023 Flight Support Plan
Assignment Driver Name Rider Name Callsign Notes:
Chase Lead Balloon 1, APRS Digipeater Dennis Cambell AE7WU APRS Digi
Aerial Pre-Deploy?
Launch Support, Chase Balloon 1
Launch Support, Chase Balloon 1 Zach Burnham KF7YRW
Pre-Deploy, Recovery Area, APRS Tracking Bryson Hinton KC7LED
Pre-Deploy, Recovery Area, APRS Tracking Karl Gross N7MXO
Launch Support, Chase Lead Balloon 2, APRS Digipeater Stephen Thomas KE7TLS
Launch Support, Chase Balloon 2
Launch Support, Chase Balloon 2
Launch Support, Chase Balloon 2
Launch Support, Chase Balloon 2 Athena Roberts Paul Gibbons AI7AP NOTAM, FAA Liaison
Launch Support, Chase? Clayton Jacobs KJ6QJS Equipment Trailer
Launch Support. Chase
Launch Support
Pre-Deploy, Recovery Area, APRS Tracking? Vince Jenkins Kim Jenkins KC7IIU Beacons
FAA Liaison
Launch, Chase
FAA Liaison, GIS Bob Shipton K8EQC NOTAM, FAA liaison guidance
Ground Station Flight Predictions Bob Thompson KC8BOB Flight Predictions
Launch @ 9:00 am/ 9:30 am local / 1600 / 1630 UTC
for ANSR 150-151, NOTAM # TBD
Balloon Repeater: Input: 145.56 (162.2 PL) Output: 445.525
Alternate Repeater: Sacaton 447.725 Mhz (-) 100.00
Chase Teams monitor Simplex Frequency: 145.56 MHz
Balloon beacon frequencies: KA7NSR-6, 144.34 ; KA7NSR-7, 445.925; CW on 147.515 KA7NSR-8, 144.34 ; KA7NSR-9, 445.925; CW on 147.515
Beacon your location on 144.390 MHz only, not on payload beacon frequencies

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Uploaded 05/11/2024 | Athena Gibbons (Administrator)

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1900 W Carla Vista Dr #7071

Chandler, Arizona 85246

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